Info for AP STEM Students
Info for AP STEM Students
Participating SUHSD schools:
Bonita Vista High School, Chula Vista High School, Eastlake High School, Hilltop High School, Mar Vista High School, Montgomery High School, Olympian High School, Otay Ranch High School, Southwest High School, and Sweetwater High School.
Are you an AP STEM student at the above listed schools?
* * * Keep reading this information is for you * * *
Sweetwater Union High School District (SUHSD) has partnered with the National Math Science Initiative (NMSI) to increase student success in STEM (Math, Science, Computer Science, and English) Advanced Placement courses through the College Readiness Program (CRP). The partnership offers support to AP STEM students, teachers, and the participating schools.

What does it mean to you?
It means that if you are taking an Advanced Placement (AP) STEM class at school you are eligible to the SUHSD-NMSI-CRP program benefits which provide you with a system of support that will help you be successful in your AP STEM class.
Message from NMSI: The National Math and Science Initiative (NMSI) is excited to share our Online Student Supports program with AP Math, AP Science and AP English Language students at your school. Our online student supports provide a relevant and engaging supplement to the AP course experience. Students can access the learning modules at their convenience or teachers can use the supports as a remote learning tool. Students also have the opportunity to attend live virtual sessions to learn and review content with our expert coaches in real-time.
Online student supports include the following:
- 12 live, one-hour sessions.
- 12 interactive on-demand modules
- Experienced coaches to guide students through the topic.
- Online office hours with content experts.
- Live chats with AP Readers.
- Interactive practice tools and curated video content.

LIVE Study Sessions Start Late January 2021
- Online Student Study Supports: Getting Started
- Student Online Course Registration
- Student Self-Enrollment Instructions
- Live Study Session Schedule
- Live Study Session Topic List
- Online Student Supports: Getting Started Module
- Registering for Student Supports Video
National Math Science Initiative (NMSI)