CTE Articulations

CTE Articulations

Formerly, an articulation is an agreement between two or more educational institutions meant to ease the transition for students moving from one course/program to another course/program in an attempt to minimize and/or eliminate courses being repeated.

But what does this have to do with SUHSD CTE students?

When a SUHSD student completes a CTE course, that student could also earn college unit credits just for passing a class. We are partnered with Southwestern College, which has an entire section dedicated to CTE Transitions, to offer our students these articulations.

Sounds too good to be true, right?
Our CTE Pathways page lists each of our SUHSD high schools and the pathways available at that school. Not only can you receive an “a-g” credit to keep on track for college graduation requirements, but specific classes also offer an articulation credit. That articulation credit is equivalent to college credit for taking a college level class, which may be transferred to another college.