STEM Research Fair Time Line

STEM Research Fair Time Line


  • School sites to identify STEM Research Fair Advisor (aka Science Advisor)
  • District STEM Research Fair Quality Guidelines Development
  • School site identification for District STEM Research Fair


  • STEM Research Fair “Nuts & Bolts” & Quality Guidelines Information sent to all fair advisors
  • STEM Research Fair Advisors to estimate quantity of student participants


  • Fair advisors order materials for students projects through Science Teachers On Special Assignment (TOSA) based on the number of student projects


  • Recruitment of fair judges; local universities & colleges, local science business partners, retired science teachers, and community members.
  • Final count of student participants per site.
  • Student transportation arrangements (school buses reservation).
  • Student participating & transportation permission slips documented by teacher advisors.


  • Final transportation logistics.
  • Fair judges training.
  • District STEM Research Fair! (typically early February)
