MVH: Poseidon Academy

MVH: Poseidon Academy

The Poseidon Academy

Mar Vista High School

The Poseidon Academy at Mar Vista High School is a small school-within-a-school. The Academy has been on campus for over twenty years. Typically, our students love science and they have plans to enter colleges, technical schools or universities where they will study Marine Biology, Medicine, Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, Biology or other fields that require a rigorous college-preparatory high school experience.

The Academy provides students with unique experiences both in the classroom and outside of school that are not available to others.

For example, the Academy students will will spend three days at the Catalina Island Marine Institute, Academy students will work with biologists at Cabrillo National Monument, students have attended medical technology seminars at the University of California, Irvine where they have learned how to use the million dollar Da Vinci surgical robot. We have created industry and research partnerships with Scripps Institution of Oceanography, California Department of Fish and Game and several Federal National Parks. We believe that getting students out into the field is just as important as achieving in the classroom. We are committed to making these special opportunities available to Academy students.

The Poseidon Academy does, however, have California Department of Education requirements to fulfill. Importantly, our Academy students MUST complete the course work outlined on the program of study. By joining the Academy, students and their parents understand that these classes are a requirement. Academy students are automatically enrolled in required Academy courses.

John Ashley

Poseidon Academy Coordinator