2022 10th Grade Compact for Success SDSU Presentation

  • Recording of Presentation
  • Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) Slide Deck presentation TBD
  • Compact for Success requirements document shared during presentation
  • 10th Grade Compact for Success Presentation Flyer

    Dear Student and Family,
    You are cordially invited to attend the Virtual 10th Grade Compact For Success SDSU Presentation! Translation in Spanish will be available.

    Date: February 26, 2022
    Time: 10am -11:30am
    You will receive the Zoom link after registering at https://forms.gle/1PcCwpRXGkNgXLGf7

    Come learn about:
    • Why attend SDSU directly from current SDSU students
    • Compact For Success Requirements

    Questions? Please contact Liliana Silva Diaz, Counselor on Special Assignment, at liliana.silva@sweetwaterschools.org or 619-796-7748.

    Estimado estudiante y familia,
    Está cordialmente invitado a asistir a nuestra presentación virtual de Compact For Success con SDSU para los del 10º grado. Traducción estará disponible.

    Fecha: 26 de Febrero del 2022
    Hora: 10am – 11:30am
    Va a recebir el enlace en Zoom ya que se registre al https://forms.gle/1PcCwpRXGkNgXLGf7

    Ven a aprender:
    • Porque asistir a SDSU directamente de estudiantes actuales de SDSU
    • Requisitos del Compact for Success

    Preguntas? Comuníquese con Liliana Silva Diaz, consejera de asignación especial, a liliana.silva@sweetwaterschools.org o al 619-796-7748.